Monday, 24 February 2025


கலையும் கடற்கரையும் 
நண்பர்களும் உறவினரும் 
ஊரும் உணவும்
பார்த்தால் சென்னை அழகு.

சாலையும் ஓரமும் 
கூவமும் அடையாறும் 
புழுதியும் தூசும்
கண்டால் சென்னை அழுக்கு.

அகாரம் உகாரமானதால் 
வந்த வி(வ)காரம்!
ஒரு மெய்யெழுத்தினால்
மாறிய தலையெழுத்து!

Sunday, 23 February 2025

500 Days of Summer

Thats a lovely movie from 2009 and also happens to be Chennai's climate. When asked to describe Madras' seasons this is a more reasonable description than the stock 'hot, hotter, hottest' one -

Like Summer
Peak Summer
Wet Summer
Not Summer

Like (right now) is awesome and it's not Peak yet.
Peak is awesome as Vitamin D trickles through windows even if you stay at home/office all day long, and the official dress becomes Lungis preferably with Madras checks.
Wet is awesome since any rain evaporates quickly to deliver free city-wide sauna facility in the afternoon Like
Not is awesome since it makes Chennai a fantastic winter-destination - for all those who hate real winters! We welcome them with all with great music and dance programmes and  our famous SKC offerings (Sweet, Kaaram, Coffee) to go with it.

One the same day, we may have multiple summers, swinging from Like to Peak or Wet to Not, so there are really....

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

What do AIs know about love?

Been using Perplexity app for simple searches all day and seems clean and crisp. Since AI sounds like the Chinese word for love, posed an abstract Q ...

Is love infinite?
Somewhat confident answer and brought out the aspects of altruism nicely.

Now for some competion on this topic, checked out Gemini and ChatGPT too, both said 'it depends' and got away with it.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Day in and day out

One fine day a 5yo was in deep thought while having breakfast and suddenly had to share his revelation with me -
"Appa, you know what? Everyone knows it's a day."
"So no need to say Saturday..just say Satur!"
"That would make life easier, yes"
"Wednes, Sun, Mon..."
For the rest of that weekend, he tried convincing every adult he met to optimize language till he called it a day.