Tuesday 29 April 2008

Frankly(n) speaking...

The best thing to give
to your enemy is, forgiveness;
to an opponent, tolerance;
to a friend, your ear;
to your child, good example;
to your father, reverence;
to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you;
to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.

- Benjamin Franklin

to your mother- its fantastic to note that a famous kural by Tiruvalluvar conveys exactly the same meaning- great minds think alike.

ஈன்ற பொழுதின் பெரிதுவக்கும் தன்மகனை
சான்றோன் எனகேட்ட தாய்.
On hearing from others that her son is full of virtues and wisdom,
a mother feels happier than the moment she begot him.

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