Wednesday 25 July 2007

letter to mom & dad..

Dear Farmer,

You had sown the seeds,
You didnt desert them for greener pastures,
You took care of the young plants and watered them,
You removed the weeds and obstacles for their growth
Now they are big trees with flowers and fruits,
Ready to give their produce and cool shade to you.

Loving regards,
The Tree who was once a Seed.


  1. Don't you also think that the parents are a bit selfish in sowing the seeds only to get the produce, eventhough they water, de-weed and tkae pains to grow?

    ~ The Septic Sceptic

  2. Enna? beautiful-nnu solliteeye bayanthutten parava illai u r back to normal !

    In this case its just the tree which yearns to offers it produce to the farmer.
    (even in real agriculture there is no farmer who is unselfish enough to not to expect any produce from his harvest!!)

  3. Agriculture is cultivating plants (they become called crops because of this) for the purpose of utilizing the outcome (and hence called produce). Trees that are cultivated do not have a choice. They may think they are doing a favor to the farmer but they're not.
    The comment (beautiful) was an expression of emotion that slipped by unchecked and unnoticed, unfortunately.
