Friday 23 February 2007

Proverbs and Converbs

Have you ever been irritated by friends or relatives, who always seem to have the perfect proverb or quote for any situation ? If you listen carefully to them, and listen to many of them over time, you will come across one undeniable truth - Every Proverb has a Converb, and every Quote has its Anti-Quote. So you can say something wise for a given situation, and say something witty for exactly the opposite situation too. I was also told about the existence of de-motivational quotes brimming with pragmatism and common-sense as opposed to lofty sounding motivational quotes. So the conclusion is my favourite one- 'every generalisation is false including this one' !

Examples: Quote:Antiquote

Q: Money cant buy happiness
A:Whoever says Money cant buy happiness, doesnt know where to shop.

Q: United we stand, divided we fall
A: Familiarity breeds contempt

Q: Nothing is impossible
A: If you think its impossible, you are probably right.

Q: Success is a habit worth cultivating
A:Failures are stepping stones to success.

Q: If you dont plan for future, you are planning for failure
A: Why dwell in the past or worry about future, while you can still enjoy the present ?

Q: What you can do today dont postpone it till tomorrow
A: What you can do tomorrow dont do it today.

Q: A smile can make short work of any difficulty
A: When a lion is showing its teeth, dont think its smiling.

Q:Speech is silver, silence is golden
A: Where words fail, even silence speaks

Q: Knowledge is power
A: Ignorance is bliss !


  1. The last pair is not contradictory.

  2. knowledge is power (so gain it ..)
    ignorance is bliss (so stay as u are..?)

  3. The knowledge gained that can be used as power is not the one that causes one to lose their blissful state. The knowledge you put to use at work does not cause you unhappiness.
    The blissful ignorance can be compared to the knowledge of Adam and Eve before they ate the fruit. They could have lived blissfully doing their own work, but they didn't.
