Sunday 25 February 2007

Hidden in a haystack

"Selfishness is Immoral"-Swami Vivekananda
-easy to understand, tough to absorb, impossible to follow for most people.

"The world has enough for everyone's need, not everyone's greed"- MK Gandhi

In the recent past, I have interacted with people, who seemed to justify an immoral, illegal act with descriptions like its the truth , its practical, its common-place, its done by everybody and so on.

Are bad acts only restricted to deeds done by a minority, but shunned by the majority ? Can selfishness be made to look like perfectly normal, just because a large majority of people are selfish ? Why does the world have so many religions and prophets and philosophers who seem to understand and propagate great ideals, but are never followed by most people ?


  1. Human beings are inherently selfish. They act first for their own satisfaction and their immediate kin, and then if they do think about the others, they try to do something. Morals and the religions propounding the morals try to oppose this instinct, for reasons I know not why. By acting against our instinct we are supposed to reach a higher level of understanding or knowledge or whatever, the final stage being enlightenment. To add some thought to this, why do you think Captialism as an idea is more successful than Communism?

  2. Capitalism is successful in increasing salaries, increasing the poor-rich gap, and increasing the average stress of people.

    Lesser said about communism.

    But what does Bhutan follow- supposedly the happiest people in the planet live there..

  3. As you said, Capitalism thrives on the selfishness of human beings. Communism as defined by karl marx goes like, 'To each according to need, from each according to ability'. This requires altruism to the maximum and is possible only in an utopian society.
    The people in Bhutan follow the age old principle, ignorance is bliss. They do not have almost any of the modern 'comforts'.
    Finally, who the bloody hell are you to judge what others are doing as good or bad??
