Monday 11 December 2023

To the moon and back

Son3 who just turned 4, was lying beside his mom just before his nap recounting how much he is fond of her.
"Amma, I like you infinity. I love you infinity ..."

In times like these, I'm usually wise enough to not intrude and check on his quantitative love for me . But Son1 was not there yet and prodded.. "How much do you love Appa?"

After a longish pause that seemed to involve advanced mental calculus, he arrived at a final answer. 

"I love Appa, ummm ..99"

What disturbed me personally was not the enormous disparity in his love for his mom and me. 

It was the fact that he could not find just about enough love to round me up just a wee little higher to let me reach a 100! 
Even Pakistani bowlers would let an Indian batsman reach a well deserved hundred, if they were sure to win the game!

Saturday 2 December 2023


I used to be a more pleasant person, but right now pleasantries bore me to death. 

The never ending barrage of "happy birthday"s and "happy 'random or regulay festival' wishes" are enough to make me hide under a rock and wait for it to subside.