Thursday, 24 October 2024

La Bore de Bellandore

 "Dalí painted one of his most famous pieces, “La Gare de Perpignan”—the Perpignan train station. For the inspiration he found here, he once called Perpignan the center of the universe. “All the great inventions of humanity, all of them, took place at the exact center of the station of Perpignan,” he said.

So, according to Dalí, you could be standing in the spot “where all parts of the Earth converge.” Or you could just be standing in a train station."

I think Salvador Dali waited long enough in the station due to a much delayed train, drank too much wine and started to imagine things. 

Going by this, the next great masterpiece is likely to emerge by some bloke who got stranded in Outer Ring Road traffic jam for so long, that he started painting the scene and concluded that all of the world's roads and vehicles converges in Bellandur! 

Saturday, 12 October 2024


A 10yo water-sports enthusist was trying some stunts with the waves and lost his footing in the beach today. He went underwater for a few seconds and came out gasping for breath..
While I was expecting a panicked scream, he got me and mumbled something to me-
"I have to say SMS instead of SOS."
"What's that ?!?!"
"Save My Soul!"

Even in such critical situations, some chaps prefer grammatically-correct calls for help!