Friday, 14 December 2007


இசைதரும் அமைதியில்
தமிழென்னும் அமிழ்தினில்

கவிதையின் சுவையினில்
குழந்தையின் சிரிப்பினில்

மழலையின் அர்த்தத்தில்
மெளனத்தின் சத்தத்தில்

பூக்களின் இதழ்களில்
பூமியின் இயக்கத்தில்

குழலின் இன்னிசையில்
குறளின் இல்லறத்தில்

கடல்களின் சீற்றத்தில்
இயற்க்கையின் தோற்றத்தில்

தோழமையின் மகிழ்ச்சியில்
தனிமையின் வீழ்ச்சியில்

கடந்தகால நிகழ்வுகளில்
எதிர்கால கனவுகளில்

விடியாத இரவுகளில்
தூங்காத விழிகளில்

உந்தன் நினைவுகளே
தவழுமென் மனதில்.

Law of Nature or Law of the Land?

Nature endowed fruits with great taste and nutrition, so that the animals that feed on them inadvertently help propagate the species by dropping the inedible seeds in a different place. But in a city where littering is a punishable offense, maybe with fines or community service, I often run into this quagmire - when eating fruits !

I buy my daily serving of 'fresh' cut fruit (coming straight from the refrigerator) and walk back to office passing by a long stretch of land with lots of soil and vegetation.

So is it right to launch the seed in some random direction in that area or drop it in the nearest rubbish bin ? I usually end up on nature's side. How about you ?

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Quotable quotes

The quotes which appeal to you the most, happen to be the ones whose idea have always been hovering in your mindspace, but somebody beat you in saying it out with just the right words !

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing,
wind braces us up, and snow is exhilarating;
there is really no such thing as bad weather,
only different kinds of good weather."
-John Ruskin (1819-1900)

The 5 second coma

The momentary glitch in the power coils of the brain, commonly experienced during trainings, presentations or seminars, leading to an increased perception of gravity in the head, followed by symptoms like a transcient blackout, loss of bloodsupply to the eyes, an invincible downward force on the eye-lids and a complete loss of consciousness, just when involuntary reflex action is needed to bring back the drooping head back to its default vertical position after about 5 seconds of uninterrupted bliss, despite the apparent danger of the condition which could degrade to longer timed comatose states, depending upon the relative score of the presenter on the SYS (Stretchy Yawn Scale) used to measure boredom.

Originally scribbled on the notepad during such a presentation to avoid getting the above symptom ! Due to some unexplained reason didnt feel the need to write shorter sentences..